Saturday, January 23, 2021

Sally Eckles speaks of her beliefs

2:28 PM (4 hours ago)

You said something a few weeks back about our beliefs and there wasn't much response.  It inspired me to write down my beliefs.  I certainly am not advocating for anyone to think the way I do; I appreciate all various thoughts, as beliefs are a many splendored  thing.  I have no answers either to the questions that many ask, such as "Why do so many suffer?".  I have speculations, such as in Kushner's book " Why Bad Things Happen to Good People".

God is the creator.  God loves humankind.  God loves me.  God sent Jesus to show us how to live and to demonstrate God's love.  When I was nine I decided to be baptised.  I grew up in a Christian family so it was a natural thing to do, but I wasn't pressured; I decided on my own and have tried to be faithful to my decision each day.  The hardest thing is believing God loves me. I depend heavily on God's grace because I am selfish and lazy.  Being a Christian and living with a Christian community is something I need.  In retrospect I can see a God's hand throughout my life from birth to soon to be death.  I am grateful.  My desire is that my life be a blessing for others, that I live a life of gratitude, encouragement, compassion, joy, giving, humility.  I am grateful to have lived to be 81 years old, to be married to a good person for 60 years, to have three wonderful daughters and five precious grandchildren. God is good.  Whatever happens to me after my death will be good because God is good and loves me.  It's not something I earned or something I deserve.  I am still in spiritual kindergarten.